Nightly Haunts

Nightly Haunts

The couple had always loved walking in the forest, even at night. They found something magical about the way the trees loomed above them and the way the darkness seemed to cloak everything in mystery. But tonight was different.

As they walked through the woods, they felt a growing sense of unease. They had heard rumors of night haunts and evil creatures lurking in the forest, but they had always dismissed them as mere superstition. However, tonight, the rumors felt more real than ever.

Their hearts raced as they heard the sound of twigs snapping and leaves rustling behind them. They turned around, but saw nothing. The fear of the unknown was even worse than the fear of any creature that might be stalking them.

As they walked deeper into the woods, the sense of dread grew stronger. They tried to keep up their brave facade, but their breathing became ragged, and their footsteps grew heavier.

Suddenly, a piercing scream filled the air. They froze in terror, not knowing what to do. The scream was followed by a low growl, and they knew that they were not alone in the forest.

They ran blindly through the woods, their hearts pounding in their chests. They couldn't see where they were going, but they knew that they had to get out of the forest as quickly as possible.

Finally, they stumbled out of the woods, panting and sweating. They looked back at the forest, still shrouded in darkness, and knew that they had narrowly escaped whatever evil lurked within.

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